

Functional Statement:


To support and withstand expected loads and forces.


To limit movement under expected loads and forces.





Minimum diameter of flooring screws used to fasten subflooring to framing members, in wood-frame constructions to which Section 9.23. applies [see Sentence for application of Section 9.23.].


To limit the probability of an inadequate diameter of screws, which could lead to inadequate capacity or rigidity, which could lead to an inability to resist expected dead and live gravity loads, which could lead to fastened elements detaching from supporting members, which could lead to excessive movement, deformation or deflection.
This is to limit the probability of compromised structural integrity, which could lead to:
  • fastened elements detaching from supporting members, which could lead to elements falling from the building,
  • structural collapse of wood-frame construction, or
  • where wood-frame construction supports or is part of an environmental separator, the excessive deformation, displacement or failure of required environmental separation elements, which could lead to deterioration, which could lead to further compromised structural integrity.
This is to limit the probability of harm to persons.